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Water: An Important Resource in Our Life


As we all know that water is an essential natural resource in our life, without presence of water we cannot survive. Water is like a ‘blood life’ for every individual and the need of water plays a significant role as it provides life to the plants as well as animals and human being. The question arises here that ‘What happen if we use water at large amount for wastage and which causes pollution in the environment?’ We often use water in our daily routine whether to cook food or to watering the plants and with the use of water we should try to use water in a manner that water do not go waste. 

There are many organizations formed to conserve and save water as sustainable development, but their whole efforts and involvement ignored by the people who don’t care the water and waste the water at a large amount and this activity is mostly followed in rural areas. Due to the large wastage of water, gradually, after some years the availability of drinking water will become too low and in future we suffers a lot by the upcoming generations. We have to try to aware about the upcoming situation to every individual. In India, there are in many rural and urban regions the availability of drinking water is low and the underground water is not good for drinking and they have to buy the drinking water.   
Cleaning water through using Water Purifiers
There many slogans like ‘Save Water, Save Life’ but we do not follow people are busy in their life for earning money, making social status, etc. on the other hand without drinking water and lack of availability of water we cannot survive, as we all know that our Earth’s 75% portion is covered with salty water and rest 25% portion is land. In many regions of the world, there is no availability of fresh water at adequate amount for future use and to get fresh and clean water every individual generally prefers Water Purifiers like Kent mineral RO, Pure It, etc., and with advanced technologies there are number of companies are making Activated Carbon Filter, UV Technology, Reserve Osmosis and Chemical based purifiers, currently there is about 85% households uses water purifiers to get clean and fresh water. With high demand of Water Purifiers many companies started selling at large scale and for profit maximization they started modifying new and high quality water purifiers at higher price and they targeted around 75% households out of world population.
File:Map of water treatment by countries.png - Wikimedia Commons
Image source- Wikimedia
List of countries with their regions using water purifiers:
  • Europe (Germany, Russia, France, UK and Italy)
  • North America (United States, Canada, Mexico)
  • Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and South-east Asia)
  • South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, etc.)
  • Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
Overall, we are using water purifiers freely without the fear that after upcoming years gradually we will lose fresh water for our next generation. The reason is that the every water purifiers are not sufficient to give clean and fresh water because the water as they are able to clean water 60% and rest 40% water go waste from the water purifiers. This waste water causes ground water and rest of the fresh water will get polluted.

Image source- The Globe Post 
In our country India, more than 89.3% households are using water purifiers to get fresh and clean water. As we all know that, in India, most of the regions specially in rural areas people are suffering from water facilities and in some areas there is poor facility of water in their area and the poor people who have not resources to buy water purifiers and they suffer a lot from the proper facility of water.
A recent research by the National Green Tribunal(NGT), they gave a strict order to the Central government of India that if the people use of water purifiers at large scale then the waste water from water purifiers will gradually the ground water and river water become damage and polluted the environment.

Advantages of using Water Purifiers:
  • Using water purifiers the people get fresh and clean water as per their requirement.
  • Water purifiers gives fresh water with proper amount of minerals and total dissolve solids
  • By using water purifiers, we can save our time and may not suffered from water diseases like diarrhea, cholera and other water borne diseases. 
Drawbacks of using water purifiers:
  • Some people may not afford the expensive water purifiers.
  • Water purifiers are sufficient to clean the water about 60% and rest 40% water go waste.
  • The waste water from water purifiers may also affect the river and ground water and the people may suffer from various water borne diseases.
  • The waste water from water purifiers also cause environment pollution and it gradually helps to increase Global Warming.            


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  3. Very nice stuff for our most essential natural resource👍

  4. Thank you very much...
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