Q1. What is the scope and importance of the environment?
In the industrial era, we are forgetting about the importance of environment. Explain its scope and importance.
Ans. The term environment is defined as the combination of water, air and soil and it's interrelationship with each other and with human beings, animal life and property. Environmental studies is a multidisciplinary approach covering various subjects like geology, biology, physics, chemistry etc.
Scope of environmental study
Interdependence: Human beings are dependent on natural resources to sustain their lives. For example, cities have been modified to suit human needs, but life still dependent on food that is grown in villages, water to drink, air to breathe etc.
Food web: the existence of biodiversity/life is dependent on food web links. Humans also form an important part of the food web.
Cultural practices: the emergence of cultural practices like worshipping trees and animals had formed a part of traditional societies and exist even today.
Sources of energy: mankind has used non-renewable sources of energy like wood, coal, etc. for growth and development. This has led to environmental degradation. It is important to renewable sources of energy like solar energy, hydro power etc. To sustain biodiversity.
Sustainable development: Development which meets the needs of the existing generations keeping in mind the needs of the future generation is called as sustainable development. Resources are scarce and proper utilisation of resources is necessary for survival of all species.
Multi disciplinary: environmental studies encompasses various subjects like geology, biology, physics, chemistry, economics, statistics, etc.
Case study: Industrial revolution led to environmental degradation
The industrial revolution in the late 18th century led to heavy usage of resources and environmental degradation. Currently, in the 21st century, countries are focusing on economic growth with sustainable use of resources.
Importance of environmental studies
Since the resources like air, water, soil are scarce in nature, it is important to conserve resources. The responsibility of safeguarding resources doesn't lie with the government alone; it is the responsibility of community members as well to take adequate care of the environment.
Productive value of nature: with the improvement in technology, new product, gadgets, etc can be developed with existing raw materials in the environment which leads to the growth and development. Nature therefore a storehouse for multiple industrial and engineering products for the future generation.
Example: Electric cars we can start manufacturing due to the improvement in technology thus explaining the productive value of nature.
Aesthetic value of nature: the recreational value that nature possess is of great importance to humans as it helps us psychologically and emotionally. The creation of wildlife reserves, biodiversity hotspots, gardens and parks in urban areas have led to beautification and protection of the environment.
Example: Protected Forest Area has been initiated by the government to save the environment and keep the recreational value intact.
Options in the value of nature: by the use of resources has an impact on the integrality of the environment. If resources are used greedily, it leads to environmental degradation. Therefore, the options value of nature, gives us the option to use resources I'm a sustainable manner and save the environment for future generations.
Examples: save the Tiger Campaign was initiated to increase the tiger population with efforts to sustain hunting, poaching and things that hampers the growth of the population.
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